About Patient Portal
Our vision is that care delivery should be patient centric. Our Patient Portal provides a securely accessible portal specifically designed to fulfill the system needs of the patient who has registered an account. Patient’s will have online access to the services offered by our practice where they can initiate requests for appointment, submit their cases, coordinate with providers through Telemedicine to streamline the diagnosis process, and receive and track results online. It also provides a secure and vastly customized patient communications platform to engage in real time communications with nurse practitioners, admin staff and providers in a highly structured and organized manner. Through our patient portal, patients can
- Schedule appointment – online & offline
- Pay online
- Get online consultation at scheduled time
- Set reminders on your upcoming appointments
- Reschedule or cancel appointments
- Upload and view his/her medical records – anytime, from anywhere
- Communicate with the provider through audio, video and messaging service
- Upload your health documents for review
Schedule Appointments
We offer both visit and televisit consultations. Patients can view doctor’s profile and available schedule of the doctor and can book appointment by paying securely online for initial or follow-up visit.

Online Doctors
Our practice facilitates patients to connect with on call doctor for instant consultation. Patient to briefly describe the reason for consultation and pay online to connect. System will take the user to waiting room and his/her call will auto connect once doctor is available. After the consultation, the patient will be provided an encounter summary, which may be kept for the patient’s records and may be shared with specialist providers further, if appropriate
Disclaimer: Do not use the services for emergency medical needs. If you experience a medical emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
My Communications
With our patient portal you can be in control of your heath and care. My communications feature saves your time, helps you communicate with your doctor, and supports care between visits. Our patient portal logs every activity regarding patient from appointment request initiation to request processing, guidelines-based testing, scheduling, orders and treatment plans. It also contains all follow-up communications both from patient and practice in the sequence when it happened and provides traceability of the whole care coordination process.

My Appointments
Our patient portal enables patients to manage their appointments and view appointments history. Each appointment is being linked with after visit summary, orders, prescriptions, communications and patient education sent by provider. It also enables patients to set reminders and reschedule their appointments.
My Health Records
Our patient portal allows registered patients to add and maintain their structured data medical history forms online under this section. It will facilitate in reducing provider’s time in getting medical history details from the patient during initial encounters and give them access to important updates performed directly by the patient on their medical record such as immunizations entry and lab results upload. Specific sections of patient health record accessible to the patient for self-managing at its own includes past medical history, past surgical & procedural history, social history, family history, current and past medications, allergies and immunizations.

My Profile
Our patient portal allows patient to manage its own account by providing the option to edit demographic details and other profile information saved at the time of registration.